Ontario, Calif. Waiting on my flight to Denver after a fun trip to the desert. Congrats on the wedding @laurenvargas2015 @vennyvargas ! Have fun in Iceland!
Lobster boy at grandmas house. @andrewclavin (at Apple Valley, California)
About to swim in my grandmas white and gold pool. (at Apple Valley, California)
Steven. Apple Valley, CA. 2014.
@michaelpronz and @cyyyyyd having a rare lazy Sunday. #toomanycorndawgs
Sunrise and coffee on the Ohio River this morning. Hockingport, Ohio.
#Tbt to last week hiking in the desert with @jacarigo
Charlie Brownson
The crisp turning the desert into dessert w/ @andrewclavin. #theyhateuscuztheyaintus #aintersgonnaaint #babyyourafirework #doyoueverfeellikeaplasticbag #skylark #poler #polerstuff #campvibes (at Mojave River)
6/7 days successfully eaten at In-n-Out w/ @jacarigo (at In-N-Out Burger - Hesperia (Bear Valley))
@jacarigo in the Hollywood Hills. (at Runyon Canyon Park)
@mgmulig’s hand guided us around L.A. today. (at Leica Store Los Angeles)
Future home shopping in my uncle’s backyard. Apple Valley, CA. (at Apple Valley, CA)
Old pool w/ @jacarigo overlooking Apple Valley and Victorville… and Big Bear, CA.
The High Desert. Apple Valley, CA.
@jacarigo and John Wayne in the OC.
My mother.
My brother @andrewclavin in his apartment last week. #thisisnotapaintbrush #Chicago
A young Albert Einstein #selfie. #mc2orjustreallymc #Einstein